Ok, it's not really sponsored by Kroger, but it should be seeing that I spend 95% of my free time there. The main reason is because it's one of Aiden's favorite places. We'll just be sitting around the house and he'll grab me by the pants leg and say "we go Kroger?". Then he gets my keys off the table, puts on my sunglasses and opens the front door, "come on Mommy!". How can you say no to that? It's so darn cute! When we get to Kroger, we have to get in the carts that have the children's cars attached to them--he gets so excited about that! His favorite thing to get into at the grocery are strawberries. He has some sort of strawberry radar. I try hiding them in the cart but he figures it out every time and asks for one. "Mommy, stawbee?". The first time he did that I panicked. The strawberry's aren't washed, he's going to get some terrible disease! He might choke on the stem! Now I'm over that. If it keeps him happy and quiet while I shop, then it's ok by me. I really only have a window of about 30 minutes to spend at Kroger before he attempts to escape from the car cart. Then it's usually me chasing him down the aisle with him laughing. Plan B is to stick him in the bed of my cart with all the groceries. He seems to quiet down this way! His second favorite thing to do at the grocery is flirt with the cashiers. I swear, he's already a ladies man. Too bad his cuteness can't get us free groceries!
Sidenote: I thought he was a genius at 15 months when I was reading the Kroger advertisement in the newspaper and Aiden pointed to their logo and said "Kroger!". It took me a minute to absorb that and I frantically called my mother to tell her about my little genius. She then consulted my baby book (which is like 500 pages because she recorded EVERYTHING) to tell me that I recognized the Kroger logo at 14 months. Like mother like son I suppose! The branding guru that created the Kroger logo deserves a medal!